๐Agile Team Positions vs. Team Roles
Roles are not job titles! Learn the difference between a job position and a role, and how that affects Agile teamwork.
How are Agile Teams Structured?
TL;DR: It depends!
The team who is self-organized in their nature brings many background and perspectives. They get together and build a consensus in what they will be responsible or accountable for, together. They don't stick within these boundaries either: they live a cross-functional lifestyle where they can float across responsibilities and functions for the purposes of learning.
Wait...what? You may have thought that as a UX designer, you only do UX design work.
NOPE! You don't need to, and you're encouraged to float across responsibilities.
You should never hear teammates say "That's not my job, that's their job" on an Agile team.
You should hear teammates say, "I was hired for research but this week I want to get into product strategy!"
Your team should be celebrating and encouraging this kind of environment for all of the reasons we talk about regarding making strong Agile teams.
The more your team collaborates across functions:
The quicker they will get to Performing stage.
The more they will all "self-heal" from team conflict.
The stronger your self-organization becomes.
The stronger your continuous improvement becomes.
A position does not equate to a role!
The title you have does not equate to the chunks of responsibility you have.
Roles are multiple sets of daily responsibilities. One position can have many roles within it.
Here's how Tech Fleet sets up its cross-functional team positions in terms of their daily responsibilities:
Learn All About Team Roles in This Other Section of the User Guide
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