Community Happenings

Here are some of the things happening around the community. Check out the Tech Fleet web calendar for event info.

Onboarding Calls

We hold onboarding calls for new members every week. During these calls you can learn about Tech Fleet and how to get started. Book one here!

☕️ Community Chats

Every week, the community members host community chats welcome to all. Check out the Tech Fleet web calendar for days and times.

☕️ Open office hours

Once a week, Tech Fleet hosts a coffee chat for whoever is open and interested, Bring your questions!

🤝 Community Buddy system

We are in this to help each other, and you can't go it alone! Request a buddy in #buddy-up channel within Discord to pair up.

📯 Tech Fleet Talks

Every so often, the community hosts educational talks covering different topics. Stay tuned in #events channel in Discord for the latest updates.

Last updated