5ī¸âŖHow to Get Discord Roles in Tech Fleet
In Tech Fleet Discord, you can only see the channels you have access to. This is based on your role in Discord. You can manage your own roles based on what you want to do.
Learn how to manage roles through the Great Discord Migration Tutorial videos:
âŧī¸Using Roles for Alerts, Notifications, and Channel AccessMasterclass Role
This role enables Discord channels for masterclass alerts and guidance.
Go here to learn how to get the role:
đMasterclasses in Tech Fleet DiscordProjects Role
This role enables Discord channels for project alerts and guidance.
Go here to learn how to get the role:
đŧGetting on Projects in Tech Fleet DiscordObservers Role
This role enables Discord channels for project alerts and guidance.
Go here to learn how to get the role:
Observer Role in DiscordApprentices Role
This role enables Discord channels for project alerts and guidance.
Go here to learn how to get the role:
đŋApprentices In Tech Fleet DiscordCo-Leads Role
This role enables Discord channels for project alerts and guidance.
Go here to learn how to get the role:
đĒCo-Leads in Tech Fleet DiscordLast updated