Creating a new Guild
Creating a new guild requires several steps
Last updated
Creating a new guild requires several steps
Last updated
Have an idea for a Guild that can help solve a problem in Tech Fleet? You and the community can create one!
Any ideas for new guilds must go through community feedback channels to socialize the idea and get perspective from the community. This happens through the Slack channel today. Follow the guidelines for proposing changes in Tech Fleet for more details.
Guidelines for proposing changes:
Template document you can copy to write out your details of the Guild:
Figjam board workshop example for your team to use to scope out the guild's responsibilities
A thesis should include:
The problems the guild will attempt to solve
The mission of the guild
The scope of the guild's work
Outcomes that the guild should seek to achieve
After the thesis is created, write out more details about the guild so that anyone who's interested can understand the intent and operations of the guild.
This includes:
What are the requirements for joining the guild?
How do people join the guild?
How does the guild operate day-to-day, week-to-week? Where do you keep your work progress in Notion?
This should be documented in the Tech Fleet User Guide, write out a document and follow the Guild Template, then work with the Infrastructure Guild to implement the document in the User Guide.
Once your guild requirements are defined and approved by the community, community members can be recruited to the guild's efforts. Roles within the guild are important to define, so getting signups is the first part, and you should provide clarity on everyone's roles when they signup.
Your guild is self-organized and self-governed. No one should tell you how to run the guild; guild members should get together to decide how they should work together, and they should iterate on their process. As your process changes, be sure to communicate this out to the community and update the documentation you uphold about the guild so that people in the community can see the latest details about operations within your guild.
After in step 1, you can write your "guild thesis". This will eventually be posted in the section of the user guide for all to see.
Write your thesis in a document and post it to the Slack channel for buy-in and feedback before considering it final.
What are your work agreements for the guild? ()
Who's responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed within Tech Fleet for your guild work? ()
Work with the to post a new vote where community members vote for the guild's creation. Follow the voting to comply with voting.
Work with someone from the to create a new Notion space for the guild, where all your backlog items, notes, and documentation should live. Public-facing documentation should be added to the Tech Fleet User Guide, so work with the Infrastructure Guild to determine the scope of User Guide sections vs. Notion sections.