Using Tools as a Project Coordinator
Pre-Kickoff Check List
Owner: Project Coordinator
Facilitated by Project Coordinator and Leads
The Tech Fleet Infrastructure Guild has created project checklists for you to keep track of before your project goes live. Copy the documents in this folder and move them to your appropriate project folder after you copy them, then you can check items off after you complete them.
Organizing the Apprentice Spreadsheet
Owner: Project Coordinator / Leads
Facilitated by Project Coordinator
Create a spreadsheet from the “Responses” tab of the Google Form. This will automatically populate in a Google Sheets doc.
Add a sheet and label it for each individual team
Copy and paste the appropriate apprentices to the individual team tab
Replace the timestamp column with Notes
Here list any Apprentice or Lead position currently held by the applicant (if known)
Creating Slack Channels
Owner: Morgan Denner
Facilitated by Project Coordinator
Message Morgan with the list of channels. Morgan is the only person with permissions as the Workplace Owner. There are currently no Slack admins.
Channels needed will be based on the teams for the project. Here are some examples: #(project)-design #(project)-research
Created by Project Coordinator
Owner: Project Team
Create a copy of the Workspace Template for each new project. The Workspace Template has everything to get the project started. How the team uses it is up to them. Projects continuing into the next phase might like to use the original Notion, so check first.
Notion is the preferred tool for organizing projects and for Sprint Planning (see Sprint Hub).
If the project is under an NDA make sure to limit access to “edit” and only invite people that have signed the NDA. Give the Project Lead “Full Access” so they can also add or remove people as necessary.
Team Gmail
Created by Project Coordinator (it’s just easier sometimes)
Owner: Project Team
With a team Gmail account, the project will be able to have a dedicated calendar, a professional email for reaching out to users for testing, and scheduling meetings through Vowel on their calendar. Share the login information on the Leads channel. Typical format:{project}
Zoom is the preferred video conferencing tool of Tech Fleet. You can record and store meetings, get a transcript, make notes with action items, and set the agenda before the meeting.
Provide your team email and it will be added to the Zoom account.
Instructions on creating Zoom Meetings with project email:
Login into Google Calendar with the project email
Create the meeting on the calendar
Select Zoom Meeting from the dropdown "Add Google Meet Video Conferencing"
Invite so that it gets sent to the Tech Fleet calendar (if the project has an NDA skip this step)
Someone (anyone) can log in with the project Google account to start the meeting
Make them reoccurring if you want (for the duration of the project)
NDA Projects
Add notes to the Job Description and applications that all team members will be required to sign an NDA
All Slack channels must be kept private
Notion access restricted to only NDA signers
Team meetings are kept off of the Tech Fleet calendar and are only open to team members
NO project shadowers unless agreed by the client and they must sign an NDA
All links and documentation kept off of open channels or Notion
Last updated