Observer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This page answers common questions about observing
Last updated
This page answers common questions about observing
Last updated
The guilds are working on a Project Dashboard for observers to rely on to know what projects are live, what they're doing, and what's being worked on! Exciting times coming soon! Until then, check out this guide to answer your common questions about observing.
There are so many purposes and benefits!
We explain this in the page before this page in this Handbook.
Go here to get all of the benefits and information about observing.
Observing is not required, but highly recommended.
Co-leads and project coordinators look for people who have observed before on project applications.
The more you have observed, the more prepared you are going to be to apply to projects in Tech Fleet, and the more you are going to stand out.
However, this is not required as we want to leave flexibility for people in Tech Fleet community. We highly, highly encourage observing!
Observing is an important first step to being on a project team in Tech Fleet.
Here are the reasons:
You can learn what to expect on real Tech Fleet teams before you apply.
You can prepare for the Agile UX environment.
You can stand out on your applications to Tech Fleet projects.
You can watch others do real Agile team work.
You can build better expectations for Tech Fleet projects.
Read the Observer Handbook
Join Tech Fleet Discord
Get the Observers Role in Discord
Pick projects to observe from the Tech Fleet Web Calendar
Observe teams working for 2 weeks
Reflect on your observations in Tech Fleet Discord channels
Get all of the details about these steps in this Handbook.
The two are used interchangeably, though we are moving towards using “observer” more exclusively.
On the Observer Dashboard, you can see all of the live projects that you can observe.
On the Tech Fleet Web Calendar, you can see all of the daily meetings you can join as an observer.
In Discord, observers with the Observers Role can check out the #calling-all-observers channel to receive Discord alerts when project meetings are about to start.
Everyone expects observers to attend meetings, so you are welcome.
Anything on the Tech Fleet Web Calendar is observable.
You simply head to the Tech Fleet Web Calendar, or the #calling-all-observers channel in Discord, and pick which meetings you want to observe. Then join! Be sure you read through this entire hand book to learn about the expectations and activities while observing.
You can observe anything that shows on the Tech Fleet Web Calendar!
You are welcome to join any live project meetings that are happening. You do not need permission to join any meetings. Simply go to the Tech Fleet Web Calendar for meeting links. The #calling-all-observers channel in Discord is a general channel where project teams post their daily meetings across all projects. Teams also have dedicated observer channels that allow you to dedicate yourself as an observer to one team and communicate with the team in Discord.
Read this handbook to learn everything you ever needed to know about Observing, then get started.
Not at all!
All teams expect that observers will show up, unannounced, at any time.
Depending on what is happening in the meeting, they may welcome you or ask you a question, so be prepared to turn your microphone on to answer.
But you also might just slip into the meeting quietly while the team is working, and that is normal, too.
Just make sure to turn your mic off when you’re not speaking.