Discord allows for some pretty powerful customization for each person. Let's go over some basics about how you can personalize the channels and alerts you receive in Tech Fleet's Discord.
In this video, we'll cover how Discord handles permissions, and how you can set up your own custom experience.
What are roles?
Roles are a new concept in Discord. We don't have this in Slack. This is one of the great new features we now have as a community!
Think of roles in Discord like different hats at a party. Each hat signifies a specific responsibility or privilege.
Some hats give you access to exclusive areas, while others let you know about events, and send you alerts when people message your role. Some let you do things that others can't do. Just like you might wear a chef's hat to help with cooking or a host's hat to greet guests, Discord roles assign various duties and permissions to keep everything running smoothly.
Best of all, you only see what you want to see in Discord with the power of roles.
Roles in Tech Fleet Discord are the "hats" associated with your account. They let you access channels and alerts that match your interests. This helps you stay connected, updated, and achieve your goals in the community.
Roles help everyone focus on the things they want to do and cut down on clutter for all. They will allow you to gain access to channels and see the alerts in those channels. If you don't have the roles, you won't see the channels and won't see the alerts. Life is much easier in Discord with roles!
How can you obtain roles in Discord?
There are two ways to get roles in Discord:
A moderator in Tech Fleet discord will give you a role
You can assign yourself certain roles.
To obtain project team roles for a Tech Fleet team, or to obtain masterclass roles, a moderator must assign you the role. Watch the other videos for details about this.
To obtain access to guidance channels, or to prepare for projects and masterclasses, you can assign yourself roles to gain access. Learn how in this video
Let’s learn how to assign yourself roles to gain access
When you enter Discord, during the onboarding flow, you will be asked questions about what content you want to see. By selecting the topics 📍 that interest you, you will automatically be assigned roles related to that topic. These roles grant you access to specific channels that align with your goals in Tech Fleet. It's as simple as that!
If you want to change your roles, you can do so at any time. After you join, you can head to the Channels and Roles section of Discord to edit your selection.
Once in the Channels and Roles section, head to the "Customize" tab, and simply select any role you want to assign yourself related to alerts, notifications, and channel access.
You can also go to the "Browse Channels" section to mark off which channels you want to see by default. Checking off channels here makes your channels show up all the time in Discord. It's good to do this when you enter Discord so that you can customize your own experience.
In the next video, learn how to get access to the guidance channels, project channels, and masterclass channels in Tech Fleet Discord.
Each role opens up new opportunities, so dive in and explore!