We mutually prohibit each other from the following activities in all of our channels, unless otherwise indicated. We also prohibit threatening to participate in or promoting these activities. In addition, we may hold people gently but deeply accountable within our community for such actions elsewhere.
Primary Violations
Violence: intentionally hurting or endangering any persons, groups, or ”types of people”.
Unapproved sharing of confidential information.
Characterizing anyone’s personality or behavior on the basis of immutable identities or labels such as race, ethnicity, gender, sex, sexual orientation or national origin.
Unnecessary personal attention or harassment after any clear request to stop it.
Legal endangerment: Openly illegal activities, fraud, or hate speech.
Secondary Violations
Preventing others from participating through coercion, threat, or suppression.
Ignoring or neglecting a message of concern from any of our trusted community leaders (including the Board, staff, and Guild leadership).
Demonstrably circumventing a removal via the use of another identity, account or profile.
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