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Last updated
Outside of clear Violations, please explore tension before reporting Tech Fleet-related issues.
Please report clear violations as soon as possible, along with any persistent concerns which develop regarding our community, this Collective Agreement or acts of .
Report issues to and/or submit a ticket in support Discord. If you would like to report something anonymously, .
Report exactly what happened, and where. (Screenshots and links help!) If the Violation(s) aren’t self-explanatory, explain your complaint.
We will strive to resolve all reported issues fairly and promptly, internally or in dialogue with involved parties, using our and guidelines.
To resolve unclear issues, moderators will defer to Guild leaders, and Guild leaders will defer to the Board.
We will prioritize the privacy and safety of any reporters of issues, emphasizing our policy against retaliation.
We will provide explanations as soon as feasible of unexpected delays in resolving Issues.