Collective Agreement Violations
This page outlines violations of Tech Fleet's Community Collective Agreement
Collective Agreement Violations
Per Tech Fleet's Community Collective Agreement, these are the explicit violations that should lead to reporting:
Primary Violations
Violence: intentionally hurting or endangering any persons, groups, or ”types of people”.
Unapproved sharing of confidential information.
Characterizing anyone’s personality or behavior on the basis of immutable identities or perceptions such as race, ethnicity, gender, sex, sexual orientation or national origin.
Unnecessary personal attention or harassment after any clear request to stop it.
Legal endangerment: Openly illegal activities, fraud, or hate speech.
Secondary Violations
Failing to responsibly package and present media which includes, links or describes any Primary Violations.
Preventing others from participating through coercion, threat, or suppression.
Ignoring or neglecting a message of concern from any of our trusted community leaders (including the Board, staff, and Guild leadership).
Circumventing a removal by using another identity, account or profile.
How to report explicit violations
Report issues to, and/or submit a ticket in #create-a-ticket for support in Discord. If you would like to report something anonymously, see our guidelines for reporting.
Report exactly what happened, and where. (Screenshots and links help!) If the Violation(s) aren’t self-explanatory, explain your complaint.
Actions taken once violations are reported
Support Team will review the report and seek additional information if necessary.
Possible actions include:
No action (no violation found)
Invitation to parties for a mediated conflict resolution process
Encouragement to resolve the conflict as a team
Suspension from the project
Permanent removal from the project
Suspension or removal from Tech Fleet
Problem examples:
Conflict Examples
When you should deal with something one-on-one or among the team, using principles of steward leadership:
You perceive a team member to be too controlling or directive
You find yourself in frequent conflict with a group member
Someone on the team is not doing work they agreed to
Someone on the team is not showing up to meetings
A person doesn’t know how to do the work they agreed to do
You perceive a team member to be speaking disrespectfully to you
You disagree with someone’s opinion and you feel they are not listening to you
When you should involve your project coordinator or the Support Team:
A lead is withholding information from apprentices
Attempts at resolving conflict using all the steps outlined in our conflict resolution approach have failed
You believe someone is lying or acting in bad faith to the team
Someone on the team is not using good data security practices
You believe the project is in jeopardy of not being completed or being materially delayed
Violation Examples
Someone on the team is using language that disparages others based on race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or other immutable aspects of others’ identities
Someone is sharing private data outside of the project
Someone is preventing other people on the team from participating
Someone on the team is using threats, ultimatums, or other forms of dominance or coercion to obtain compliance to their directives
Someone on the team is ignoring the communicated policies of Tech Fleet from the Board or Executive team
You have documented evidence of deceptive or antisocial behaviour that affects the team or project (being clear that this may be subject to further investigation)
Last updated