Getting the Team Formed
Creating the Job Description and application
Owner: Project CoordinatorLink: Tech Fleet Drive Project Folder
From the above link: create a folder for a new project or create a new phase folder within a project folder
Go to the “New Project Templates Make Some Copies” folder and duplicate the Job Description, Leads application, Apprentice application docs
Move them to your new folder
Edit as necessary using the Work Agreement as a base to fill in the appropriate information
Delete roles that will not be used on the project from applications and the job description
Ensure all links are working and up to date
Turn on the “Accepting Responses” to both applications
Posting on Tech Fleet Slack
In Slack create a template for posting new projects (and save it in a message to yourself) or edit the below version:
<aside> ↘️ Applications will be open from ___ to ___
Please read the full project description before applying LINK TO JOB DESCRIPTION!
Project Summary:
Copy and paste from Job Description Doc
Roles (Click the link to view job descriptions):
Copy and paste from Job Description Doc
Direct Application Links:
Lead Application: Copy and paste from Job Description Doc Apprentice Application: Copy and paste from Job Description Doc
Apprentices and leads are expected to contribute 15 - 20 hours per week commitment.
✨Read the Tech Fleet apprentice handbook for detailed day-to-day expectations ✨
Post in the #project-postings and #announcement channels on Slack. Morgan will usually post to specific Bootcamps & Social Media.
Building the Leads Team
Based on how many Leads apply you can start reaching out to people before the applications close. If the project is not getting very many applications send a new post to the #project-postings and #announcement channels on Slack to encourage more applications. Once the applications close, determine how many Leads are needed for the project. If there are multiple applications per position, reach out to see if they would be okay with a co-lead. Otherwise assess the project needs and best fit. Interview candidates and confirm commitment (recommending a 12-week commitment for leads) and give them a brief timeline of upcoming events
↘️ Week of ____ Lead team forms. Leads decide who to interview Week of ____ Leads reach out to schedule interviews and begin interviewing Week of ____ Leads finish interviews and make decisions Week of ____ apprentices are notified, pre-kickoff activities Week of ____ official project kickoff
Recruiting more Leads as necessary
Look through the apprentice applications to interview and offer the lead to the strongest responses
Reach out to other Leads and Project Coordinators for additional recommendations
Repost for Leads only
Have Morgan post an inspiring message to help build confidence in the community
Once you have filled all the Lead positions, have Morgan create a #project-leads leads channel (Usually a private channel for the Leads team to discuss the project freely)
Give the Leads a more detailed list of the upcoming steps and encourage them to start introductions:
↘️ Send on Leads channel
Let’s set up a time for the Leads to meet!
Project Coordinator will share a spreadsheet of candidates for the individual leads to rank. Each team has its own tab at the bottom.
Leads determine the criteria they are looking for in apprentices (Apprentices that are currently on other projects are listed in the notes, please make them the lowest priority to interview. Unless the current project will end before this one starts)
Leads interview apprentices
Leads choose and inform apprentices
Also share apprentice list on leads channel
If time allows, give feedback to those not chosen
Project Coordinator or Team Lead makes the announcement listing all apprentices on the project in Slack
Team Leads each run their own icebreaker meeting for everyone to get to know each other on each team. Additional recommended topics:
Working agreements
Project Lead and Product Strategy Lead conduct Sprint 1 planning with the team before kickoff
Project Kickoff
onboarding with apprentices (sending links or case studies from previous phase work, etc)
All team icebreaker meeting
Schedule all team meetings (Any cross-functional meetings, Daily stand up, Weekly Sprint Planning, and Retro)
If applicable, share the Client Intake Form with the Leads team. If this is an ongoing project share the previous phase’s documentation (Notion). This is an excellent time to see how curious the Leads are and will help you determine how much help they might need.
Last updated