βŒ›Project Management Role

The project manager facilitates the progress and success of the project across all teams.

Relevant Handbooks

πŸ“”Tech Fleet HandbooksβŒ›Project Management Lead Handbook


The Project Manager guides the team to success and manages the progress of the project. They have a mix of responsibilities and also can play Agile Coach on the team as well. They can contribute to any area of work on the team any given week within a program. They make sure the team isn't blocked and keep everyone to the sprint schedule they agree to each week.

To use a term in product life, Project Managers "herd the cats" in order to lead teams to success.

Common Job Titles

Project Lead

Project Manager

Scrum Master

You might be a Project Manager if

  1. You like coaching

  2. You like orchestrating team-wide efforts

  3. You like enabling work around you

  4. You like scheduling things with teams

  5. You like facilitating meetings and conversations

  6. You like "playing multiple roles" and diving into UX/product/dev work across teams

Cross-functional aspects

  1. With the Client - facilitate general discussions; be the point of contact for the team

  2. With Research - unblock blockers; facilitate discussions and plans; participate in research if desired

  3. With the Product Strategy - unblock blockers; facilitate discussions and plans; participate in strategy if desired

  4. With Design - unblock blockers; facilitate discussions and plans; participate in design if desired

  5. With Development - unblock blockers; facilitate discussions and plans; participate in development if desired


  • Overseeing and empowering all teams, making sure they have the tools and information to succeed

  • Encouraging cross-functional collaboration and helping to break down siloes

  • Working with the Product Strategy Lead to carry out daily and weekly tasks

    • Daily Standup, Sprint Planning, Retro, and Demo

  • Exploring the product vision with the client and working with the UX team to form objectives each week

  • Overseeing the project backlog and weekly sprint activities on the kanban board

  • Working with the team to carry out and adjust the project roadmap

  • Working with the team to define and prioritize weekly tasks and sprint goals throughout the project

  • Helping the team cut or add scope, and change direction when necessary

  • Helping the team define roles and set weekly schedules as needed

  • Updating the Tech Fleet Apprentice Tracking Sheet as apprentices or leads join or leave the project

Role Expectations

  • Desire to help other leads and apprentices fulfill their goals by working on the project Ability to work without direct guidance or micromanagement

  • Take ownership of the project

  • Deep understanding of Agile methods and an ability to coach others in Agile. Prior experience with Kanban, Scrum, or another Agile method is helpful but optional.

  • Strong communication and conflict-resolution skills

  • Ability to work with the team to prioritize the most important tasks each week

  • Ability to create direction out of uncertainty and explore business problems

  • Be the β€œvoice of the customer” and β€œcustomer expert” for the group, the person who grows their subject matter expertise in the product industry and user groups involved

  • Work directly with the other team leads to strategize on activities and decisions

Common Deliverables

  1. Presentations

  2. Team "work agreements"

  3. Timeline status

  4. Meeting recaps

  5. Project sprint plans (with product strategy)

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