🧵Basic Chatting Abilities in Discord
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TL;DR: You can chat in channels where you have the permission, but not all channels. It's best to make a thread when having conversations with people. Learn how below.
Here's everything you need to know about sending messages in Tech Fleet Discord.
To type into channels
Your account must be verified as a human. Discord takes care of this for you, but you need to do one thing. You will go through the onboarding steps when you join. Then you must go into one of the community channels to take the last step and click on a button. This ensures that you are human, and not a bot.
Once you do this, voila! Channels open for you to type. You can type in any channel that has the permission to type!
To alert others in a Discord message
You can do what's called "tagging" them, or tagging an entire role of people. You can't tag entire groups in every channel, but you can do this in some channels.
To tag people or groups, simply type the "at" symbol in the chat. Start typing the user's username you want to tag.
Select the user, or the role, and hit enter on your keyboard.
Then, when you send the message, whomever gets tagged will see a channel notification on their Discord. This allows them to get a heads up when you want to get their attention.
Some channels are Read-Only
These read-only channels are meant for guilds or moderators to type in. If a channel is read-only, the text box will look like one of these two things, and you won't be able to type in it. If you don't run your own Discord server, ignore the message that says "Follow".
However, you may be able to make a thread from any message you see in a read-only channel. Follow the next steps to make threads.
Creating Threads
If you want to reply to people in messages, it's best to make a thread. Threads are a great way to keep channel messages between your peers in the community clean.
To make a thread in Discord, hover over or right-click the message, and select "Create Thread". A new thread will be created.
Provide a name for the thread, and type your message to begin the thread. Be sure you tag your buddies in the thread, or tag "Community" so that anyone can see the thread contents.
Otherwise, you may be talking in the thread that no one else notices!
That's the basic gist of how to message in Tech Fleet Discord. Get out there and chat with your community peers!
TL;DR: Live streams are video and voice calls that are instantaneous in Discord. You don't need any third-party meeting tools to talk with friends! Learn how below.
With Tech Fleet Discord, anyone can hang out with any member on a special channel that's built in Discord.
Discord has a great way for anyone to do audio or video chats live. It's called Live Stream channels. You don't need to schedule a calendar invite to meet with your pals in Discord. Learn how to use video Live Stream channels in this handy lesson. Let's go!
Live Stream Category
You will see a menu category in Tech Fleet Discord for Live Streams. This has two channels in it:
Tech Fleet Stage channel is a live stream where Tech Fleet will host events. Only the people who are leading the event can speak in this channel. This helps us moderate events better.
Hangout is an open live stream channel that anyone in the community can join at any time. If you want to hang with people over voice or video, you only need to get into this channel, and wait for others to join! You can start an activity, or you can invite friends to the live stream who are already in the Tech Fleet community.
Here's how to join the Hangout live stream
Click on the Hangout channel. You will be added to the live stream. The channel has its own chat, and you can turn on your video if you choose.
Change the "Activity" n the channel so that you can let others know the purpose of you joining the live stream. If you want others to join you in the live stream, then they can see your activity.
Change the Channel Purpose by clicking on the pencil icon under the Hangout channel name in the menu.
Type your meeting purpose. Click Set Status. This lets others can see what you wrote, and will be able to see what you're trying to meet about in the live stream.
Joining a Stage Live Stream
If you want to join a Tech Fleet Stage for an event, you click on it, and if there is an event happening, you will be let into the event when it starts. Otherwise, if there is no event happening, you will be placed in the "waiting room".
Talking in Live Streams
In order to talk in a live stream, you need to "Undeafen" yourself and you need to "Unmute" yourself. "Deafen" feature silences others so that you don't hear anyone talking. Mute feature silences your mic, so that no one can hear you talking.
To Undeafen yourself, click on the headphones icon.
To unmute yourself, click on the microphone icon.
After this, you should be able to talk in the live stream and you should be able to hear others in the live stream.
Disconnect from live streams at any time by clicking on the Phone icon on the bottom left side of the Discord menu.
Live Streams for Project Teams
Each project team has their own sets of live stream channels that team mates can use at any time to call a meeting. You must have the Observers role or the role to be on the project team in order to access the live streams for project teams. Learn how in the other videos within this series, Getting Ready to Observe, Apprentice, or Co-Lead.
It's as easy as that! Go hang with your community buddies in Tech Fleet Discord!