Learn how to get ready to start observing projects in Tech Fleet Discord.
In order to do this, you need the Observers role in Tech Fleet Discord.
Here's a reminder about what Roles are.
Roles in Discord are like hats: if you wear the hat, you have access to special channels or special abilities. This means that you can control what you see and what you do in Tech Fleet Discord.
What does it mean to be an Observer in Tech Fleet?
Let's start with the breakdown of project teams in Tech Fleet. Tech Fleet has four different ways for you to be involved on projects:
One: You can be an Observer
Two: You can be an Apprentice
Three: You can be a Co-lead
Four: You can be a Group Mentor
Observers watch project teams work
Apprentices work alongside co-leads and own work as servant leaders
Co-leads guide apprentices and contribute to work as servant leaders
Group mentors offer mentorship to teams in subjects they know
Here's everything you need to know about Observers in Tech Fleet:
An observer is anyone in the world who wants to watch how project teams work. Because there's no better way to learn how Agile operations work than to watch Agile teams in action!
Tech Fleet highly recommends this as the first step to interacting with the community, and a first step to joining projects. We offer this for anyone in the community. The Tech Fleet project calendar is open for anyone to view. Meetings on that calendar are open for any Observers to join.
How does someone start observing projects in Tech Fleet?
Step 1: Obtain the "Projects" role in Tech Fleet Discord. This role opens up channels for you to further decide how you want to be involved on projects. To get the Projects role, go to the Projects category.
Head into the Project Role channel.
In this channel you will see instructions. Read the instructions. These instructions have you go into the Tech Fleet user guide.
We know what you're thinking. Do I really need to read the user guide? Really YES! You will greatly benefit from the lessons in the user guide. In fact, they are crucial to applying to projects in Tech Fleet.
PROJECT PORTAL - Go to the section in the user guide about Life in Tech Fleet. Read all the sections to start understanding what it's like on project training and in the community
After you do this, and follow the instructions on this channel, click on the emoji at the bottom of the channel. When you click on this emoji you will receive the Projects role. You're now ready to obtain the Observers role!
Step 2: Obtain the Observers role in Tech Fleet Discord. This role opens up access to channels that you can utilize while observing project teams. To get the Observer role, go to the Projects category, and head into the Observers Get Ready channel. BUT! Be sure you have the Projects role first! Otherwise, you won't see this channel.
In this channel you will see information, a link to the Observer Handbook, and instructions on how to obtain the Observer role. Read the observer handbook. Read it all carefully. It tells you exactly how observing works, what to do, and what you can expect.
Observer Handbook - After you're done reading the Observer Handbook and the user guide, come back into the Observers Get Ready channel.
Click on the eyes emoji. Once you do, you will receive the Observers role.
This grants you access to new channels and new abilities in Discord! Hooray!
Observer Role Abilities
The first new ability it gives you is access to all of the project team channels in Tech Fleet.
Each project has an Observers channel where you and other observers can chat with teams.
Best of all: there is a Calling All Observers channel in Discord. You can find this under the Alerts menu category. Only Observers and project teams see this channel. This gives you alerts each day about new meetings that are coming up to observe! Check this channel every day when you're observing, and be sure to check the Tech Fleet Web Calendar outside of Discord to see all of the project team meetings.
That's it for now! Check out the other videos in this part of the series. You can learn how to get ready to apprentice, how to get ready to lead, and how to get ready to join masterclasses!